Unlock More Referrals and More Closings: Free Webinar
06 February 2025
Today’s post was inspired by a question posed by a realtor on Active Rain, is Blogging Dead?
Here are some reasons as to why your blogs are not getting as many views as they used to and how to overcome these issues.
Competition. More and more real estate agents are blogging today, therefore there is increased and unprecedented competition in real estate blogging
Solution: Realtors, you have to blog even more and provide more relevant and informational content in order for your posts to rank higher. If you want help with writing your blog, The Referral Marketing System offers blog posts your prospects would be interested in reading, thus making your blogging strategy easier to execute.
Active Rain. I wonder if any of your blogs were featured, or perhaps were featured more times on Active Rain, getting more comments/play, increasing in reach, therefore ranking higher in Google. It’s like a snowball effect, once you are in it, it continues to multiply but to get there is not easy.
Solution: Continue to contribute and engage with members of the Active Rain community and of course write more blogs. The more you engage with the community the more they will engage with you. You need interesting content and comments in order to do that effectively. The Referral Marketing System blog posts will help you with this.
Google Algorithm. Google continues to update and change its algorithm, so SEO and SEM techniques that used to be effective and delivered great results, may not perform as well anymore.
Solution: It’s always a good idea to continue to learn how Google rankings work, and update your approach and your optimization techniques. Staying static is simply a recipe for disaster.
Social Media. How are you using/incorporating other types of Social Media
Solution: Nowadays, being on Active Rain or Facebook is only one part of the equation. You need to share/Like your own posts and other people’s posts in order for them to return the ‘favor’ and notice you as well. This is how you will start ranking higher in Google. See comment 3 above; the more traction you get the more it multiplies tenfold.
Also, here is a post I wrote that can help you with optimizing your overall social media marketing efforts (and yes blogging is key, so don’t stop!).
Mobile website. Is your website optimized for mobile? Don’t assume it is because someone told you it is. Pick-up your mobile phone and go to your website. What do you see? Be honest with yourself; does it look attractive and is it a website you would want to visit?
Solution: If your site is not optimized for mobile, and most websites are not, Google will punish you! Don’t forget, as a realtor, you need to be where people are, and that includes their phones. And you need all the SEO optimization you can get.
Here is a post that will give you great information on realtor website optimization.
Takeaway Point: Realtors, don’t get discouraged. Continue to offer interesting and engaging blog content and ensure to optimize both your posts as well as your website. The rewards of a good blog will always be there, you just might not be able to see them right away. And don’t forget The Referral Marketing System can assist you with your Social Media needs, contact us today to find out how.