
Monday Real Estate Marketing Tip: Answer a Question with a Question

17 May 2021

By Darcia

This week’s Monday Real estate Marketing tip focuses on networking: Answer a question with a question to win a potential new client.


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Contact Morris Real Estate Marketing Group for a free consultation. We’ll discuss how your unique real estate business can earn the highest level of success. And visit our real estate marketing blog next week for another great Monday Marketing Tip.


“Sometimes you need to answer a question with a question.

When someone asks you, “how’s business”? or, “how is the market?”, this is not the right time to talk about yourself. Resist the urge to humble brag about how busy you are or complain that business is slow. Instead, find out not just why they’re asking but also what they’re asking. Are they interested in info for a specific neighbourhood or a more luxurious home? Are they considering buying or selling and why so? “How’s business” is an incredible opportunity to learn more about, and make a personal connection with, a potential new client.

Contact Morris Real Estate Marketing Group for a free consultation. We’ll discuss how your unique real estate business can earn the highest level of success.”

~ Morris Marketing Group

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