
Real Estate Sales Scripts for Canvassing a Neighbourhood

15 June 2018

By Phil Hollander

Imagine this scenario…

Real Estate Sale ScriptsYou’ve just closed a deal on one of your listings. You drive over and proudly change the lawn sign to SOLD. You’re hoping that neighbours will see that sign and think of you when they need a real estate agent.

Sure, some neighbours might notice it. You may even get a call or two. However, you’ll easily double your real estate leads if you also canvass the neighbourhood.

It’s simple math. If you canvass the area — and focus on building relationships — more of those homeowners will get to know you. You may also identify some who are moving soon, which gives you the opportunity to further those relationships by staying in touch. (You can do that via calls, visits, real estate email marketing and real estate direct mail.)

For many real estate agents, knocking on doors isn’t particularly fun. But if you approach the task with the right attitude, it becomes a lot easier. So what’s the right attitude? It’s focusing on them, not you.

Here’s an example of a good “relationship-building” real estate sales script for when you’ve had a recent sold:

You: “Hi. I’m John Smith of Smith Real Estate.”

Homeowner: “Hello.”

You: “You might have noticed my name on the SOLD sign around the corner. In fact, I’m the real estate agent who specializes in this neighbourhood and I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.”

Homeowner: “Nice to meet you.”

You: “One of the services I offer homeowners here is information on properties when they are listed or sold. Is this information you’d be interested in receiving?”

Homeowner: “Maybe. Tell me more.”

At that point, you have a conversation started. Just remember to focus on them and on building the relationship. You can also offer to send them a real estate newsletter, containing high-interest content, specifically designed for prospects.

Here’s is a variation of the opening of that script, for when you help a buyer get into a neighbourhood.

You: “Hi. I’m John Smith of Smith Real Estate.”

Homeowner: “Hello.”

You: “I just helped a family — the Johnson’s — buy the home around the corner. In fact, I’m the real estate agent who specializes in this neighbourhood and I just wanted to stop by and introduce myself.”

When using real estate sales scripts like these, don’t recite them word-for-word. You’re not an actor. Instead, use a script as a guide to having an authentic conversation with the people you meet.

Knocking on doors may seem like an old-fashioned sales technique, but it still works. Especially if you focus on building relationships — rather than immediately going for the lead — and use an effective real estate marketing system to stay-in-touch and build those relationships.