
What Prospects Want to See On Your Real Estate Agent Website

09 January 2020

By Darcia

When it comes to lead generation websites for real estate agents, you want yours to get as many leads as possible. One way to do that is to look at your website from a prospect’s perspective. What do they want to see? What information do they need to find? What is likely to convince them to call you?

Say, for example, someone in your geographic farm is looking to sell their home. Your name is top-to-mind because you’ve been staying in touch via your real estate geographic farming system. You’ve been sending them a real estate newsletter each month, calling and visiting regularly, etc.

Now they’re ready to sell.

But before they do, they may visit your website to learn more about you and your services. In fact, according to various studies, upwards of 70% of prospects looking for professionals services will visit a website before deciding to contact that service provider.

So your real estate agent website plays a pivotal role in lead conversion.

Take a look at your current website. Imagine you’re a prospect and take their journey of visiting it and learning more about you. As the prospect, what would you need to see to become convinced to call you?

Here are some ideas:

  • Great content Your website content is like your sales representative. It needs to speak to your prospects, in a conversational way, explaining your services and the benefits of hiring you.
  • Lead-capture forms How many prospects visit your website but don’t contact you? You don’t want to know! That’s why lead-capture forms are so important. They dramatically increase real estate lead generation by making it easy for prospects to request more information. The best lead-capture forms automatically populate your real estate CRM.
  • Responsive website These days many of your prospects will view your site on a mobile device. So, your website needs to be “responsive”, which simply means it looks as good on a phone as it does on a laptop.
  • An active blog Some studies suggest that businesses with blogs generate 66% more leads. That’s because valuable articles on your blog attract prospects, who then visit other pages on your website.
  • Connection to social media The more connected your agent website is to social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram) the more leads you’ll get. The best websites have the agent’s most recent posts highlighted.
  • Your bio and picture Although you may have been keeping in touch with the prospect with a real estate direct mail piece, they are more likely to contact you if they can “see” and learn more about you on your website.
  • Local listings You should always consider IDX integration for your website, which displays current listings and provides an easy way for prospects to search for properties. When they see a home they like, they’re still on your website and more likely to call you!

Improving the number of leads you get from your website by just 10% can have a significant impact on your career and income. So, look at your website the way a prospect would, and then tweak to get better results.