
The Real Estate Golden Rule

04 August 2015

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Don't Forget The Golden RuleWhat’s the real estate golden rule? It’s a really simple rule: treat others the way you would like to be treated yourself.

What if your clients knew that you could steer them in the right direction when their air conditioner goes on the blink, their roof springs a leak, or they are ready to make their new house a home? The ability to provide those kinds of resources is powerful. So if you really want to grow your base of business, move beyond your own wealth and your own networks, research and create a list of ten trusted service provider resources centered around the home that you can easily share with your customers.

Start out by thinking of all the professionals who can service and benefit the homeowner, their families, and all the other consumers you come into contact with each and every day. As you make your way through your real estate career, you’ll have an opportunity to come in contact with and even share referrals with a wide spectrum of business professionals. If you’re wise, you’ll create a powerful list of these trusted people that you can then refer to your clients. Your referral list will not only include other real estate professionals, but also mortgage lenders, attorneys, landscapers, roofers, electricians, handymen, plumbers, painters, and the list goes on.

There is so much incredible synergy to be found in mutually beneficial relationships that they are well worth all of the time, effort, and energy you can put into them.

In other words, never ignore the value of your friends in the service industry and always continue to establish and build relationships with them. These contacts have a book of business that ranges anywhere from ten to potentially thousands of people, so just imagine the possibilities if you start referring business to them and they do they do the same for you.

The real estate golden rule is to treat others with respect both in your business, as well as in your life, to be kind, professional and pro-active. Start by reaching out to trusted contacts, and create referral relationships. Morris Real Estate Marketing Group offers The Referral Marketing System that can help you generate and manage these referrals on an on-going basis. When you reach trusted service providers ask them to describe their ideal customer, so you can send appropriate referrals their way. Do the same for your customers who have a businesses that would benefit from your network.

Take away point: Creating mutually beneficial referral relationships takes time and effort. Start with the real estate golden rule – and you’re at least half-way there!