Unlock More Referrals and More Closings: Free Webinar
06 February 2025
You do not need to be reminded of the importance of setting goals. It is critical to achieving the dreams you have for your business.
However, many REALTORS make the mistake of writing down their goals, and then sitting back, hoping that they will somehow magically succeed without having to do very much or changing anything!
This is nothing but a recipe for failure. As motivational guru Tony Robbins often says, “Never leave the scene of a goal without first making a plan to achieve it.” Otherwise, your chances of success are very slim.
Making that initial plan immediately after setting a goal gets the ball rolling. A plan creates momentum. It tells your mind that this is not just a dream. You are serious about turning your goal into reality. Your plan does not have to be perfect. At the beginning, it will not be. Expect to make changes as you journey forward.
One Step at a Time
How do you make that initial plan? Once you have set a goal, ask yourself: “What are the little steps I need to take to achieve this objective?”
Let’s say you want to double the effectiveness of your presentations, so you can close more listings. Your initial plan might look something like this:
My Goal: Double the effectiveness of my listing presentations.
Planning is essential. A goal without a plan is like a cruise ship without a rudder. It may look good. But it is going nowhere.
My Plan:
• Take a sales presentation course.
• Ask for candid feedback from clients and prospects.
• Survey other successful REALTORS for their listing presentation secrets.
• Read five good books on sales presentation skills.
• Improve my presentation materials.
• Do a post-mortem of each presentation I make to learn what is working and what is not.
• Build a file of presentation “best practices” that I can quickly review before each presentation.
Takeaway Point: Your plan does not have to be perfect. At the beginning, it will not be. Expect to make changes as you journey forward.