
Realtors here is how to increase YOUR referrals.

17 November 2014

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

kidsRealtors, one of the most effective ways to increase the number of your referrals from past clients is by sponsoring a sports team, arts camp, competition or other kids’ events.

Here’s how it works:

  • Ask your best past clients which type of activities their kids participate in regularly. Activities could include a baseball team, drama club, riding camp, band, fun run, etc. (There are probably dozens of such events or programs in your community.)
  • Pick two or three activities that are the most popular amongst your clients.
  • Contact the people who organize these events and ask about sponsorship opportunities.
  • Pick one event and be the sponsor.

Let’s say you decide to sponsor a baseball team. The benefits of sponsorship extend well beyond just getting your name printed on the back of the jerseys. As a sponsor, you are building loyalty among those clients whose kids participate in the activity. You will be generating more referrals, too.

Imagine the impact of a client sitting in the stands saying to the parent next to her, “the sponsor of our team is my real estate agent!”. News of a helpful professional travels quickly among groups.

And here’s an idea: At the end of the season, organize a party for the kids — and get those kids to invite their friends along too. (Those friends will, of course, bring their parents.)

Finally, be sure to send a team picture to everyone in your Referral and Repeat Marketing database.

Takeaway Point: Sponsoring a kid’s event once a year will not only build loyalty among your past clients, but will also present you as the kind of REALTOR® that dozens of people will want to use.