
How to Ask for Real Estate Referrals with Confidence and Professionalism

18 October 2018

By Phil Hollander

Real Estate ReferralsMost sales experts agree you can double the number of referrals you get simply by asking for them. Yet, many real estate agents still shy away from having this conversation with clients.


For many, the worry is they’ll come across as either pushy, desperate or awkward.

The good news is, you can ask clients for real estate referrals with confidence and professionalism. You just need to take the right approach. Here’s how..1.


1. Get in the right mindset

If a client is satisfied with your services, chances are they’d be delighted to recommend you when the opportunity arises. In most cases, they’re not going to feel cornered or obligated. This is especially true if you’ve stayed-in-touch after the transaction and built the relationship.

According to studies, homeowners get asked to recommend a real estate agent frequently. In most cases, they have the ability to recommend a real estate agent two or three times a year! However, they may not recommend you if they don’t know you welcome referrals.

2. Ask at the right moments

Just about anytime is the right time to ask a client for referrals. But some moments are more ideal than others! For example, 60-90 days after a transaction, when your client has had a chance to settle into their new home. Also, whenever a client has expressed an appreciation for your services. In those moments, they’re in the perfect frame-of-mind to be receptive to a conversation about referrals.

3. Use the right language

Blurting out, “Will you please recommend me to your friends and neighbours?”, is unlikely to get a good response. Your clients don’t want to be your personal salesperson! Instead, frame the question as a natural part of the relationship you have with your client. For example:

“I’m delighted you’re so happy with the services I provided you. You were great to work with — you made it easy! By the way, I build my business based on referrals from satisfied clients like you, so if you’re ever asked to recommend a real estate agent, I hope you’ll feel comfortable giving them my name. I’d really appreciate it.”

4. Leverage an effective real estate marketing system.

Asking for referrals in an ad hoc, hit-and-miss way rarely gets good results. If you’re serious about building your referral business, you need to do so within a good real estate marketing system.

When it comes to boosting your real estate referral marketing, a system like that will accomplish two things for you:

  1. It will help you stay-in-touch and build loyalty with your clients, so they become more likely to recommend you.
  2. You can set up the system to automatically prompt you when to call or visit past clients, where you can bring up the topic of referrals.

The bottom line is, asking for real estate referrals is nothing to feel squeamish about — especially if you take the right approach. It’s a natural part of growing your business.