
What a Real Estate Marketing System Should Do for You

27 June 2018

By Allan Goldstein

real estate marketing systemHave you been looking for an ideal real estate marketing system? If so, you’ve probably noticed that they all come with a specific range of features. Some, of course, have more and better features than others. That’s why it’s important to make sure the system you choose can do everything you need it to do to grow your business.

So, what exactly do you need your real estate marketing system to do? Here are a few suggestions.

  • You need your system to effectively and consistently keep in touch with your past clients, hot prospects, and targeted communities. Ideally, once a month. That way you can build trust and loyalty — and maximize real estate agent referrals.
  •  You need your system to feature high-value content. Writing in the Globe and Mail, author Noah Flemming points out that the most successful businesses “engage customers as often and possible” with communication that is “relevant, authentic, and valuable.” For real estate agents, that means original, high-quality blog posts, newsletter articles, tips and updates.
  •  You need your system to utilize all communication channels. If a marketing system relies on just one method of reaching clients and prospects — for example, just an email newsletter — then many clients and prospects will be missed. And many opportunities for leads and referrals, lost. That’s why an effective marketing system must fire on all cylinders, leveraging social media, email marketing and especially real estate direct mail, in addition to your own occasional calls and visits.
  •  You need your system to be automated and “done for you”. There’s no sense in getting a system where you have to write the blog posts or manage a myriad of other marketing tasks. As much as possible, your real estate marketing system should do all the heavy lifting for you — especially the content writing.
  •  Your system needs to make managing your contacts and business easy. Managing your contact database — names, addresses, communications, opportunities, etc. — is at the core of marketing success. However, this can quickly become a disorganized, messy and incredibly time-consuming chore if you don’t have a comprehensive, easy-to-use real estate CRM. So you definitely want your real estate marketing system to include that.

2016_RMS_Web_Home-3There may be other things you want your marketing system to do as well. For example, prompt you to call a client on a scheduled date to do an annual review. The important takeaway here is to make sure you choose a system that does everything you need it to do to in order to build the referral-based business you want.