
Top 10 Facebook Tips Real Estate Agents Can Use to Generate More Leads

19 February 2019

By Darcia

10 Real Estate Marketing Tips, FacebookMore than two-thirds the population of the United States and Canada have Facebook accounts. So the chances are high your clients and prospects are hanging out on this social media network — at least, occasionally.

In fact, it’s the largest networking event in town. And it’s going on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How do you engage your Facebook audience to generate more real estate agent leads and referrals?

Here are 10 strategies proven to grow your real estate business on social media.

  1. Post regularly Don’t be a stranger on your own Facebook page! Post updates regularly, such as new listings, client success stories, motivational quotes, updates from your blog, and helpful tips. By the way, you can automate much of this content creation using the right real estate marketing system.
  2. Invite people to events Use Facebook’s event feature to notify followers of Open Houses, client appreciation events, and more. When you do, it will be featured prominently in your timeline. That makes it easier for people to spread the word by sharing event information with their Facebook friends.
  3. Add more photos Adding a visual of any kind to a Facebook post, especially a photo, will double LIKES and SHARES. Another advantage, as Cindy King writes in Social Media Examiner, “When people comment on or like photos, they can show up in the newsfeed of their friends and are more noticeable than a link or plain text status update.”
  4. Leverage video Videos have become more popular on Facebook. And you don’t need a Hollywood production company to create them. In many cases, you can shoot on your mobile phone. The most effective videos for real estate agents are “talking head” style (featuring you) and virtual property tours.
  5. Sponsor a community page This is a special Facebook page that’s for a particular neighbourhood or area. This is particularly effective if you target a geographic farm that doesn’t have such a page — yet. Set one up! Sponsoring a community page builds your profile amongst those homeowners.
  6. Respond to comments When people comment on your post, engage with them. That could be as simple as, “Thanks for commenting!” When you respond to comments, your Facebook friends and followers will feel noticed and appreciated — which builds loyalty. Remember, most will be clients and prospects.
  7. Make it easy to reach you Just because a prospect is on your Facebook page doesn’t mean they know your website address or phone number. You don’t want to lose those real estate leads, so don’t make them hunt for that information. Display your full contact details prominently on your Facebook profile and background banner. Also, include links to your website (especially to blog pages) in our posts.
  8. Share and like content that’s not yours Facebook should be treated as a relationship building tool. Relationships are not formed when one person talks about nothing except themselves and how great they are. Share, like and comment on other people’s pages and posts.
  9. Join groups Look for groups in which the members are part of your target market – groups in your community or share common interests, such as pets, home décor, etc.
  10. Use hashtags appropriately Many people forget to add hashtags on Facebook. Others overuse them. The trick is to use just a couple or a few popular and targeted hasthags at the end of your post. Including them in the body of your post can be annoying and make your message seem more promotional and less genuine.

BONUS TIP: Take care with personal sharing. You’ve probably created a professional page or Facebook, and this is where you share your professional posts. Just like anyone else, Realtors have two separate lives – personal and professional – and messaging on a personal wall is very different from a professional page. This is why we encourage you to consider the possible implications before you post anything personal. Do you have friends that are also clients? If so, think before you may not want to post the New Years Eve party photo. If you keep your clients and colleagues separate, make sure your security settings are set to private/friends only.

Any one of these real estate marketing tips for Facebook can get you more real estate leads and referrals. Which tips will you implement this week?


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