
Spend Less Time On Your Real Estate Marketing (And Get Better Results!)

29 June 2022

By Darcia

What would you do if you gained an extra two to three hours each week? Would you spend more time with clients? Focus on selling more properties? Accelerate the growth of your business?

We’d all like to find more time in our work week. But how?

Real estate marketing activities can be particularly time-consuming. For example, keeping up with your blog and real estate social media marketing can be laborious. How long does it take you to write an informative and captivating blog post? An hour? Three hours?

The good news is, there are ways to reduce the time you spend on your real estate marketing while actually getting better results (in terms of more real estate leads.)

Here are just a few strategies:

Avoid shiny diamonds.

Each month, it seems, there is some new marketing “magic formula” that makes its way through the industry grapevine. That prompts many agents to get excited and jump on board — often abandoning time-tested real estate marketing strategies in the process.

Don’t do that!

You’ll get far better results, more consistently, if you stick with proven techniques. For example, a monthly direct mail real estate newsletter for your real estate geographic farm.

Know where most real estate leads come from.

According to research by the National Association of Realtors, most real estate leads come from referrals and repeat business. Chances are, you know this already because you see it in your market. Homeowners tend to use the agent they used before, or the agent they see as the go-to Realtor in their community, or the agent they learned about via a recommendation (AKA referral.)

How does that reality inform how you should be marketing your services?

Focus on real estate marketing techniques that build relationships with past clients and real estate geo farming prospects. That’s where you’re going to get your biggest payoff over the years.

Don’t waste time on tactics that get you a low return.

Don’t do it all yourself

Are you a graphic designer? A marketing copywriter? A real estate marketing expert? A real estate direct mail specialist?

Chances are, none of those are your strengths. What you probably want most is to spend most of your time seeing prospects, working with clients, and selling properties.

So, as much as possible, let other experts take care of those marketing activities for you. That will save you a considerable amount of time each month.

Get a real estate marketing system.

Your marketing will be far easier to manage if you use a real estate marketing system. That will reduce those long marketing to-do lists and marketing management activities, especially if the system has many “done for you” features.

When your real estate marketing is a well-honed system, rather than a disjointed list of marketing tactics, it works faster and better to generate real estate leads — saving you time.

So those are four ways to cut your marketing time while getting better results.

And, by the way, our real estate marketing systems — for client referrals and geographic farming — do all of the above. To chat about how our systems can get you more real estate leads, contact us anytime.