
Real Estate Tools Are Great. Make Sure to Actually Use Them.

09 August 2018

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Today we have Ryan Tollefsen, founder and team leader of Unity Home Group, stopping by the Morris Real Estate Marketing Group blog to give us tips for incorporating real estate tools into the everyday activities of your team.

real estate marketing tools

Real Estate Tools Are Great. Make Sure to Actually Use Them.

Real estate agents want to sell more homes and they want to do it quickly. To accomplish this, they may choose to buy applicable software and automation tools. Teams that truly adopt these tools into their systems often see great results. However, with any new technology, system, or policy, it can be relatively easy for team members to slip back into old habits if management does not clearly lay out a plan to make these things second-nature to them. So, how should a team leader go about implementing a new system with their agents?

Invest in Training

New technology may only get proverbial lip-service when training doesn’t happen. Agents need to know how to use tools to make them part of their daily routine. Let them see how technology can speed up important processes, create a single source of updated information and more. Anyone who is given the task of employing new technology and software needs to know what it can do for them. Managers need to be mindful of:

  • The importance of associating new tools to specific tasks performed by agents and organizing training to meet existing needs.
  • Fitting utilization of new technology into the natural workflow of an agent. Reduce the need for agents to change long-held habits or take on extra work to complete a simple task.

Create a Process (That You’ll Stick To)

Agents are more likely to use tools that are intuitive, user-friendly and support their current processes. Larger companies may want to test out new software in a trial with high-performers first to get a better sense of how these tools can be used, and leverage the information gathered to provide motivation to the rest of the team.

High-performing team members will appreciate being part of a team effort to create a process that enhances their productivity and helps them hit goals. Their engagement can provide invaluable feedback to create a process of true value to the entire team of agents.

Don’t Fall into Old Habits

It’s common for some to go back to what is familiar, inefficient as it may be. If this is the case, additional training may be necessary. Team leaders need to provide continued support and motivation, especially in early stages of adoption.

Providing additional hands-on trainings and highlighting how certain features are helping key performers exceed their usual goals can help with the formation of new habits and strengthen the motivation to continue using the offered software and automation tools, especially when it comes to real estate paperwork.

Increase Technology Adoption Rates

Remember to continue the conversation after the initial introduction of new technology. The use of tools and the opportunities that come with it can be a game changer for agents. After it becomes a habit, team members will wonder how they ever got by without them.

Ryan Tollefsen is the founder and team leader of Unity Home Group.