
Real Estate Agents: An Inside Look at an Effective Direct Mail Newsletter

11 November 2020

By Darcia

Here at Morris Real Estate Marketing Group, we’ve been helping agents generate real estate leads and client referrals for decades. So we’ve learned a thing or two about what works — particularly when it comes to a real estate newsletter.

Although a real estate direct mail newsletter is a proven tactic for staying in touch with clients (to get more referrals), just sending any real estate newsletter isn’t enough.

Your real estate newsletter needs to stand out from other mail, get read, and build your reputation with prospects and clients as their go-to agent.

That’s why content, design, and customization options are so important.

Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to create a winning direct mail newsletter for Realtors.

The Envelope

Your newsletter should be mailed in an envelope, not sent as a self-mailer. The reason is that, while self-mailers are often lumped in with flyers — often seen as “mail clutter” — an envelope is taken more seriously. It’s more likely to be noticed and opened.

In addition, an envelope makes your direct mail newsletter more interactive. The recipient is actively handling it and, as a result, becomes more involved with your message.

We’ve found that an oversized envelope works best. It tends to get more Opens than a standard envelope. We’ve also found that having your name and picture visible through the envelope, via a window, makes the mailer seem less like advertising and more like a friendly visit from you.

The Design

Design isn’t merely about making your newsletter look good. There’s an art and psychology to creating a piece that’s going to get you leads and referrals. The design must be:

  • Eye-catching.
  • Look professional.
  • Stand out from competitors.
  • Make the content pop.
  • Position you as a top-notch agent.

That’s why we pay close attention to colour schemes, layout, and even picture choices for articles. Ultimately, the design has to all come together to make your client or prospect think, “Wow. This is a great newsletter!”

The Content

For a newsletter to really work well — that is, for it to generate real estate leads and referrals for you — it needs to feature high-value content that your clients or prospects will look forward to each month.

The content needs to be original, fresh and professionally written. After all, it reflects you and your brand.

A great newsletter should also feature personal messages from you. This is your opportunity to make a genuine connection with your prospects and clients each month.

The Customization

One of the most important ingredients to direct mail for client referrals is customization options. Ideally, you should be able to customize key aspects of the newsletter, such as:

  • Incorporating your branding
  • Revising your personal messages
  • Promoting client appreciation events
  • Showcasing your listings and Solds
  • And more.

Customization makes your newsletter truly yours.

So, that’s what we’ve learned over the decades about creating a direct mail newsletter that generates real estate leads and referrals.

Does your newsletter have those elements? If not, visit Morris Real Estate Marketing Group’s newsletter options.