
Real Estate Agents: 9 Ways to Get Better Results With Your Direct Mail Newsletter

29 January 2020

By Darcia

Real Estate Direct Mail NewsletterDirect mail is a powerful tool for generating real estate agent leads and referrals. In fact, it has some key advantages over online marketing tactics. The largest study of its kind on direct mail confirms it.

Still, if you’re using a real estate direct mail newsletter to connect with prospects and past clients you want to do everything you can to maximize results. Think of it this way: If you improve your direct mail marketing by just 10%, that could realistically translate into several new leads and real estate referrals for you this year.

So, with that happy news in mind, here are nine tips for doing just that.

Be consistent. There’s a reason why popular magazines are published monthly! That frequency builds relationships. So, send your newsletter each month.

Include a personal message. A short personal message or greeting in your real estate newsletter builds trust and helps you be seen as a referral-worthy agent. (You don’t necessarily have to write this yourself. A good real estate marketing system will include text you can edit.)

Show your picture. Your picture — ideally projecting trust and confidence — says a thousand words. A photo also helps prospects and past clients remember you, which increases opportunities for real estate referrals.

Feature valuable content. You want prospects and past clients to look forward to receiving your newsletter each month. So, make it “fridge door”-worthy! That is, feature great content, like home-related how-to articles and buying/selling tips.

Ensure the design is eye-catching. High-quality design significantly increases the chances of your newsletter being noticed, picked up, read, and kept.

Mail it in an envelope. Envelope mailers tend to get a higher response than self-mailers. Ideally, your photo and the name of your newsletter should show through the envelope window.

Keep your mailing list up-to-date. Use a good real estate CRM to manage your direct mail newsletter recipients. Check regularly that names, addresses and other details are correct.

Leverage the “direct mail trilogy”. To maximize the number of real estate leads and referrals you generate, use a direct mail newsletter to get leads (geographic farm), convert leads (active prospects), and generate referrals (past clients).

Use a real estate marketing system. Direct mail works best when it’s part of a marketing system that integrates other tactics, such email, blogging, social media, calls, and visits.

Reviewing this list, can you identify ways to boost results with your real estate newsletter? If so, make some changes. When you do, you’ll likely see more real estate leads and referrals coming in within the next few months.