
Monday Real Estate Marketing Tip: Review Your Referral Program

03 May 2021

By Darcia

Morris Marketing Group’s real estate marketing tip of the week: Review your real estate referral marketing program…

real estate referral program

Contact Morris Real Estate Marketing Group for a free consultation. We’ll discuss how your unique real estate business can earn the highest level of success and get the most from your real estate referral program.


Review your real estate referral marketing program. Is it:

  1. Customized – Is your branding and voice prominent and consistent?
  2. Personalized – Is it addressed to your past and current clients?
  3. Appealing – Is it eye catching and designed to stand out?
  4. Valuable – Are you providing information your clients need and want?

If you can’t answer yes to these four questions, you’re not reaching your full potential.

Contact Morris Real Estate Marketing Group for a free consultation. We’ll discuss how your unique real estate business can earn the highest level of success.

~ Morris Marketing Group