
Looking for a Real Estate Marketing Company? 5 Questions to Ask

16 September 2020

By Darcia

We realize that offering you tips on choosing a real estate marketing company is like asking a kid at a lemonade stand who has the best drinks.

He’s going to say, “I do!”

But the truth is, we’ve been working with real estate agents for decades. We’ve learned a thing or two about how agents can generate more real estate leads and referrals, with more certainty, and with less work. We’ve also learned which types of real estate marketing products are effective. And which are not.

That said, we understand if you’d like to do your research among real estate marketing companies before committing. In fact, we encourage it, and are here to help!

Here are 5 tips on choosing a real estate marketing company:

  1. Do they have the experience? To reach your goals of getting more high-quality real estate leads and attracting more real estate client referrals, you want to work with a company that’s been around a while. Ideally, for several years or even decades. A real estate marketing company like that will have had the time to iron out the kinks and offer you real estate marketing systems that work like a well-oiled machine.
  2. Do they have glowing testimonials? No matter what kind of real estate marketing product you’re considering, you want to know if other agents are using it and getting results. Read the testimonials (don’t just look at them.) See what your colleagues have to say.
  3. Do the feature easy, time-saving systems? You don’t want to get bogged down in endless “marketing work”. That’s why the company you choose should focus on systems, not just tactics.A solid real estate marketing system will work for you, effectively, in the background — giving you more time to do what you do best: meeting hot prospects, listing and selling homes, and growing your business. In fact, John Jantsch, author of Duct Tape Marketing, uses the word systems as an acronym for Save Yourself Time Energy and Money.
  4. Do they focus on making you referral-worthy? The real estate marketing company you select should position you as the go-to agent to your clients, prospects and geographic farm residents. What you want is to become that agent. The agent with the stellar reputation that everyone wants to work with. The agent that gets the best leads, the most referrals, all the repeat business. In order to accomplish that, you need to play the “know, like and trust” game. The more your contacts come to know, like and trust you, the more likely you’ll be seen as their agent. Chances are, you know agents like that in your market. Choose a real estate marketing company with the systems that enables you to join that club.
  5. Do they focus on what works, rather than just what’s new? There are a lot of shiny diamonds in the real estate marketing world. However, chasing the next new thing to generate leads can cost you money, frustration and lost opportunities.When considering a real estate marketing company, check that they focus on what truly works to generate real estate leads. That may indeed include the latest technology and online marketing techniques. But in additional, it should also include real estate direct mail, which undeniably gets results.

Final tip: Ultimately, you want to work with a real estate marketing company that wants you to be successful and demonstrates that determination. It’s a partnership.

Once you’ve completed your research, we hope you’ll reach out to us. Morris Real Estate Marketing Group is the leading provider of real estate marketing systems in North America. help you reach and exceed your real estate sales goals.