
How Top Real Estate Agents Set, Track and Reach Goals

04 July 2018

By Allan Goldstein

Top Real Estate Agents Goal SettingWhat do top real estate agents, sophisticated real estate teams and all successful brokerages have in common?

They set and track specific success goals.

Unsuccessful Realtors often set financial goals but neglect to break down the steps required to achieve them. Goal-setting must go beyond how much money a person wants to make. Activity goals must also be set. Let’s say your financial goal for the year is $100,000, and your average commission is $5,000. That’s 20 houses you need to close in 50 weeks (52 weeks – 2 weeks vacation), an average of 2.5 sales per month.

Great! You’ve set financial goals. Now it’s time to break them down.What activities do you need to accomplish to reach your financial goals?



Start by looking at your database of past clients. On average, your past clients can recommend you to others two or three times a year – if you stay in touch with them the right way and at the right frequency. Can you reach your targeted financial goal with the existing past clients in your database? If not, you’ll need to set activity goals to maintain relationships with past clients as well as activity goals for establishing relationships with potential clients.


Separate past clients (referral opportunities) from potential clients and then create lists of relationship-building activities for both categories. This includes all touch points: real estate direct mail newsletters, ] e-newsletters, handwritten cards, phone calls, pop-ins, etc. Now record how often you will need to carry out this activity with each contact. For example, real estate direct mail newsletters should be sent to past clients once per month, with two or three supplementary postcards per year. Phone calls or pop-ins should be performed two to three times per year.


Now it’s time to set your activity goals. 12 real estate direct mail newsletters need to go to all past clients each year. So, your activity goal is one newsletter per month. A little more math is involved for one-on-one touch points. Multiply the number of required one-on-one touchpoints with the amount of contacts in your database. For example, say you have 100 past clients in your database, and your goal is to personally call each of them 3 times over the course of the year. You will need to make 300 calls in 50 weeks (if you are planning two weeks’ vacation), which means you will make 6 calls per week. Continue moving down the list of activities until you have created a full set of activity goals.


Now that you’ve set your financial and activity goals, you must schedule your activities into your calendar and get to work. And yes, it’s a LOT of work. But the good news is, our real estate marketing systems come with tools that can help you track your goals, build your database and automate your real estate direct mail newsletters as well as email and social media communications. Our real estate marketing success systems will even help you set up and track your goals, and then send you task and activity reminders! And we’re just getting started. Our real estate marketing success systems offer:

  • Customizable real estate direct mail newsletters that are designed, written, printed and mailed for you.
  • Fully automated email marketing, including done-for-you e-newsletters and mass email send-outs with customized headers, professionally written content, DRIP campaigns and more.
  • The best CRM in the real estate industry, complete with automated lead capture, contact management at your fingertips with our mobile app, detailed contact profiles, contact history, and “Social Intelligence”, text and phone call integration and more!
  • A professionally designed and written, fully responsive and mobile-friendly Realtor website with lead capture and social media tools.
  • Done-for-you social media marketing.
  • Expert marketing advice at your fingertips.
  • And more!

Contact us today to learn more about how our real estate marketing success systems can help you become a top real estate agent.