
How to Make Smarter Decisions About your Real Estate Marketing

22 September 2021

By Darcia

It can be tough making decisions. In fact, there’s a whole field of psychology dedicated to the topic.

You already know, intuitively, that the choices you make have a huge influence on your future. Make good decisions, and good things happen. Make poor decisions and… well… you know the rest!

So how do you make better decisions, particularly when it comes to real estate marketing and generating real estate agent leads?

Say, for example, your goal is to double your client referrals in a year. The choices you make now will either drive you to that finish line or cause you to fall short. How do you make the right moves?

One of the best ways is to break up an important decision into a series of steps.

In this case, your first step might be to review the options available. Make a list. Your options might include phoning your past clients regularly, holding an annual client appreciation event, or signing up with a more comprehensive real estate marketing system like the one we offer.

As motivational guru Tony Robbins often says, “If you want to make better decisions, ask better questions.” So, your next step might be to ask a series of qualifying questions, such as the following.

Which of these options:

  • will work within the time I can commit each month?
  • fit within my budget?
  • are likely to work best for me?
  • have a proven track record? (That is, thousands of other agents have been successful with this approach to getting real estate referrals.)
  • are most likely to help me create the future I want?
  • fit best into my day-to-day and how I want to spend my time?
  • will help me have a more organized and easy-to-manage approach to getting real estate referrals?
  • require work by me that falls outside my strengths? (After all, I want to spend most of my time working with clients, not stuffing envelopes!)
  • gets me working with a company that cares about my success? A company I can work with for the long-term?

There might be other questions you’d want to ask to determine the best option for you.

The third step in your journey to making the best decision might be to schedule a call or quick ZOOM meeting with a mentor or real estate marketing expert to ask questions and get more information.

After these steps are completed, the decision will be much easier to make. It will likely be obvious.

Takeaway: If you need to make an important decision regarding your real estate marketing, think of the steps you need to take — and then take them.

And, by the way, if you want to grow your client referrals, our automated, done-for-you real estate marketing system is worth considering. Check it out.

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