
How to Demonstrate Your Unique Value as a Realtor

21 August 2018

By Darcia

How to Acheive Real Estate SuccessThere’s no doubt about it, your path as a real estate agent is competitive. The only way to survive and thrive is to demonstrate your unique value.

But what is your unique value, exactly, and how do you demonstrate it in a way that will ensure that you stand out from other Realtors?

I’ve heard many say that to be a top agent, you absolutely must be likeable – a “people person”. While likeability is important, it’s not the most important factor. Think about the last time you made a major purchase. Was the fact that you could picture yourself going for a drink with the salesperson your most important consideration? Of course not.

So, if not likeability, what will give you the competitive edge?

You must consistently demonstrate your knowledge and skill set. And you must also prove how your edge will translate into value for your clients. In other words,you need to sell them on your personal value proposition. If you can achieve this, you’ll not only be THE go-to Realtor, you’ll also avoid quibbling about commissions and wondering if your clients will refer you when the opportunity arises.

Demonstrating your value proposition requires more than simply knowing what to say when an opportunity presents itself. It’s constantly displaying how your knowledge and skill set benefits the homeowner. In other words, being “quick on your feet” is a nice-to-have but won’t convince someone to dial your number when they want the current value of their home or because their niece is ready to purchase her first condo.

The key to top-of-mind status is consistent and reliable communication. But what, exactly, should you communicate and how should you do it? Here are 5 tips:

1. Consistently provide specific and valuable information (local real estate stats and news, tips for homeowners, etc.

2. Prove you keep track of the details by wishing them a happy birthday or move-in anniversary, for example.

3. Initiate conversations in which you can fulfill needs (“Would you like to know the value of your home?”).

4. Inform your database of your recent successes (Solds).

And most importantly:

5. Stay in touch with prospects in a way that clearly positions you as the best Realtor for their needs.

Staying in touch effectively requires a multi-touch approach using direct mail, email and social media. In other words, you need to implement and adhere to a full Real Estate Marketing Success System. One that is automated, easy to personalize and simple to use. Your Real Estate Marketing Success System should include a real estate CRM that sends you reminders, helps you set up and track goals, and initiate multiple touch points easily and effectively.

We (Morris Real Estate Marketing Group) offer real estate agents all of this and more. We handle all the details: design, writing, printing, mailing and more. You just enjoy the results. Learn more about the systems-based approach and our Referral Marketing System, Community Marketing System and more today. Or, learn what our clients have to say – find out why we’re the real estate industry’s leading provider of Real Estate Marketing Success Systems today.