
How to Be the Only Real Estate Agent a New Seller Calls

09 September 2020

By Darcia

When it comes to landing new seller clients, there are two basic scenarios.

Scenario one:

A homeowner contacts you to talk about selling their home. But you soon discover that you’re not the only agent they’ve called. In fact, the homeowner has scheduled several agents, inviting them to make their pitch. You’ll have to win over the homeowner during your meeting to be chosen over your competitors.

And the odds may be stacked against you.

Scenario two:

A homeowner has come to know and respect you so much, even before they entertained the idea of selling. Now, they’re serious about selling and have given you a call. They’re not talking to anyone else. Why should they? You’re the agent that’s top-of-mind for them.

Getting that listing is almost guaranteed.

Of course, you want more of the second scenario occurring in your business than the first. So, how do you make that happen?

There are many ways to make that second scenario a reality more often, but the real estate marketing tactic that works best — by far — is the real estate monthly newsletter.

Newsletters for real estate agents, particularly direct mail real estate newsletters, may seem old-fashioned. After all, real estate newsletters have been around for decades. Yet, they work wonders in building relationships with past clients and geographic farm residents.

And that’s key, because when you build your brand and reputation with those two groups, you position yourself for more real estate leads and referrals — at a rate that increases year after year.

A good real estate newsletter is a relationship-builder. It “visits” your clients and prospects each month, conveying your personal greetings and providing helpful market updates and how-to advice.

When a homeowner sees you in their mailbox each month, you slowly but surely become seen by them as their real estate agent — even if they haven’t worked with you yet.

In fact, direct mail newsletters for real estate agents are so effective, a homeowner doesn’t even need to read it word-for-word every month for it to have an impact. It’s the consistency that’s important here. Every month they’re hearing from you, in a value-packed way. Each month, they’re coming to know you better, like you, and trust you.

As Dan Kennedy discusses in an article in Entrepreneur Magazine, “First, customers recognize and appreciate the fact that you’re investing real money in communicating with them… This engages reciprocity. Second, consumers place a higher value on printed publications.”

So, when considering the real estate marketing systems you use, make sure real estate newsletters are part of the mix. Contact a real estate marketing expert at Morris Real Estate Marketing Group today, to learn more about customized and automated real estate direct mail newsletters.