
9 Reasons to Leverage Real Estate Direct Mail in 2019

18 December 2018

By Darcia

Direct Mail Real Estate StatsIf you’re like most ambitious agents, you want 2019 to be your best year yet. Your goals might include getting more listings, building your referral business, and generating more real estate leads.

To accomplish those objectives, you need to review your marketing plan and see how you can boost results. One thing you should definitely consider is adding direct mail to the mix.

Why? Here are just a few good reasons:

  1. People notice it. In fact, according to research by the U.S. Postal Service, 74% (on average) will see, handle and/or read a direct mail piece you send to them.
  2. It gets opened. You might be surprised to learn that direct mail gets opened more often than email. A study by Canada Post reveals that 86% of homeowners will open your real estate direct mail piece — especially if it’s personalized.
  3. Direct mail makes all your real estate marketing work better! It’s synergetic. In fact, according to some studies, it can boost the attention all your marketing pieces get — including your website, emails and ads — by as much as 39%.
  4. Think Millennials don’t respond to real estate direct mail? Think again. According to surveys, 44% say they are motivated to make purchases based, at least in part, on direct mail they receive. A whopping 50% claim they get excited to see a personalized direct mail piece in their mailbox.
  5. Targeting boomers? It gets even better. 57% of this group say they love the tangible, personalized experience of real estate direct mail and often respond positively to receiving useful information in their mailbox.
  6. Direct mail can reach almost anyone. In fact, it’s the only tactic that virtually guarantees you can stay in touch with all prospects and clients consistently — especially if it’s part of a smart real estate marketing system.
  7. Direct mail has a lasting impact. According to some studies, a direct mail piece is more likely to be remembered days later compared to that same information online.
  8. People trust it. For a variety of reasons, prospects will tend to find your message more credible when it’s in the form of a direct mail piece. That might be due to the high-impact, physical nature of this real estate marketing tool.
  9. It’s like a handshake. Next to a personal visit, no other marketing tactic is as personal as direct mail. No wonder, as part of an integrated marketing system, it works so well in generating leads and real estate referrals.

As you can see, there’s no end to the reasons why direct mail should be in your marketing mix. So, as you make plans for 2019, look for ways to leverage it to reach your real estate career goals.