Unlock More Referrals and More Closings: Free Webinar
06 February 2025
As you know, real estate marketing isn’t the same as selling running shoes. When you sell shoes, you’re focused squarely on the transaction. You make your pitch and hope it ends with the customer pulling out his credit card. If he doesn’t, you move on to the next shopper.
When you’re marketing your real estate services, however, it’s much more about building relationships. You want your prospect to know, like and trust you – and see you as their go-to agent.
The primary way you do that is by adding value.
When you’re adding value with each contact you make with your prospects, it’s like investing in a fund guaranteed to get bigger returns for you year-after-year. (In other words, more real estate leads and real estate referrals.)
Think about it. Who would you prefer to hire for a professional service? Someone who is constantly trying to sell you, or someone who delivers value each time they connect with you?
The answer’s obvious.
So, how do you add value with the real estate marketing you do? Here are a few suggestions that are proven to work well:
There are, of course, many other ways to add value. The point is to make building relationships the core driver of your real estate marketing. If you do, you’re much more likely to land more clients and listings — and build a thriving business for years to come.