
6 Types of Relationships Rookie Realtors® Should Be Building

02 June 2022

By Darcia

Think about the most successful real estate agents you know. Particularly those you admire. The reason they’re such top performers is due, in part, to the relationships they’ve built over the years. That’s why they get so many real estate referrals. That’s why they get so many real estate leads — especially from the geographic farms they dominate.

If you’re a new agent, it’s no surprise that building relationships will play a huge role in your success. So, you want to start early — like now! Focus your real estate marketing on growing your “know, like, and trust” factor with key groups.

Where do you start?

Let’s take a closer look at the relationships you should be developing.

  1. Colleagues Working well with colleagues, even if they’re competitors, will give you an advantage. Not only will the atmosphere be more positive during offer presentations, negotiations and other interactions, but fellow agents can also be a source of referrals.
  2. Your team Whether it’s the team at the brokerage, a freelance assistant, or your own employees, you want your team to support your success. They’re more likely to do that if you develop strong relationships with these people.
  3. Business contacts As you know, real estate lawyers, contractors, mortgage advisors, and other industry professionals can be a lucrative source of real estate referrals. So take the time to build those relationships. Take them out for a coffee or lunch occasionally. Also, consider partnering for a client appreciation event or seminar.
  4. Past clients Did you know that the average homeowner is in a position to recommend a real estate agent two or three times a year? Even if you’ve only done a few deals, that’s a lot of potential real estate referrals. But you won’t maximize those unless you’re proactive and keep in touch with past clients. A real estate newsletter, as part of a comprehensive real estate marketing system, is the best way to do that.
  5. Prospects Of course, you want to build relationships with prospects, especially if they’re actively buying and/or selling. However, positioning yourself as the go-to agent for them requires more than merely visiting and emailing. You need to pull out all the stops to ensure they choose you. And sending them your real estate newsletter says you’re the agent who adds value and cares.
  6. Geographic farm residents If you’re focusing on a real estate geo farm, you already know how vital it is to build strong relationships in that community. To become the go-to agent, you need the majority of residents to know, like, and trust you. When it comes to real estate marketing to a geographic farm, nothing does that better than a geographic farming newsletter. (How do we know? Our geo farming newsletter has helped scores of agents become number one in their farms.)

The last thing you want is to be scrambling for leads three years from now because you haven’t nurtured relationships that generate real estate leads and referrals. So, start now. If you do, then, a few years from today, you might just be the kind of agent other new Realtors admire.

By the way, our real estate marketing systems for client referrals and geographic farming are focused on relationship-building. Check them out today.