
5 Summer Ideas for Networking with Your Geographic Farm

30 July 2018

By Darcia

As a real estate agent, the summer season provides ample opportunity to get quality “face time” with your community.

Warm weather entices residents to venture outside of their homes and helps put everyone in sociable moods. So, what can you do to take advantage of the summer months?Here’s a list of ideas:

1. Sponsor a weekly farmer’s market.

community marketing - farmers market There are multiple ways you can do this, from providing branded paper bags for shoppers, helping the market advertise in local papers and online, setting up a booth with water bowls for dogs or crafts and face painting for the kids, just to name a few ideas. Just don’t forget to take photos (with permission). Post the photos on social media, in your direct mail newsletter, and send copies to the organizers so they can do the same.

geographic farming - neighbourood festival

2. Get involved with a neighbourhood festival or block party.

Like above, there are lots of ways to get involved – from sponsoring the event, to providing a cooling station for pets, to hosting a cook off or pie eating contest.

Real estate marketing tools - garage sale

3. Organize a community garage sale.

This is a great excuse to do some door knocking. Hand out garage sale signs for people to post in their yards and follow up afterwards to collect them!

Real Estate marketing - Picnic4. Go to the park.

Organize a neighbourhood barbeque. If that’s a little out of budget, host a potluck picnic in the park – just provide the cake and popsicles! Create a schedule of games for the kids, such as a scavenger hunt, and perhaps a talent competition for free entertainment.

Real Estate Community Marketing - Events5. Create a neighbourhood beautification, clean up or safety event.

Is there a public space that could use some tidying or a new garden? Or could you organize a summer safety education day for kids? You could partner with the mayor or an elected official, the local fire and/or police department to help spread the word and plan the day.

Whatever event you choose to organize or attend this summer, make sure to advertise in your direct mail newsletter. Community events will catch the interest of the recipient and help position you as the go-to real estate agent in your geographic farm.