
5 More Tips for Getting Real Estate Leads from Instagram

23 February 2022

By Darcia

A few years ago, Instagram was a minor upstart in the real estate social media world. As a result, few real estate agents paid much attention to it.

Well, things have certainly changed!

According to Statista, Instagram is now the second most popular social media platform in North America, next to Facebook. It even has more users than Twitter.

And if you think Instagram is just for teenagers, think again. Nearly half of its users are aged 25-44. That’s a real estate marketing sweet spot.

So, how do you leverage Instagram to generate more real estate leads? We wrote about this in a post back in 2019 — and those tips are still applicable. Here are a few more suggestions.

  • Use overlay text This is simply text placed over an image. These are very popular on Instagram. For example, you can place a motivational quote over a picture or place text over a new listing. When it comes to generating real estate leads, overlay text tends to work better on Instagram than an image with a caption.
  • Put an offer in the comments section When you post on Instagram, your comment is the first prospects will see. So this is a great place to boost real estate lead generation by promoting an event, linking to your blog, or highlighting a Just Sold.
  • Post regularly Instagram is primarily a phone app. Since people check their phones often, this makes the platform ideal for staying top-of-mind with prospects. So, to generate more real estate leads, post often. The good news is you don’t need to create elaborate posts. Simple messages and pictures work fine. For example, you can post an update when you add a new article to your real estate agent blog.
  • Add contact information to your profile Imagine someone is looking for a real estate agent and is following you on Instagram. Obviously, you want to make it as easy as possible to reach you. Remember, the prospect is likely viewing Instagram on their phone. So, your profile description, include a link to your website and your phone number (so they can call or text you right away.)
  • Switch to a business account Chances are, you have a personal Instagram account. However, if you switch to a business account, you get access to features that will further help with your real estate lead generation. For example, a business account allows for a call-to-action button in your profile.

These are all proven tips for getting more real estate leads from the platform. Try them. And keep in mind that real estate social media marketing always works better — and is far less time-consuming — when you use a solid real estate marketing system.