
Real Estate Marketing Tip: Be Where Your Prospects Are Looking and Interacting

18 November 2021

By Darcia

You’re probably familiar with the “Rule of Seven”. It’s an old sales adage that states you need to connect with prospects at least seven times before they begin to know, like and trust you — and then hire you as their agent.

As over-simplified as that adage is, the general idea is based on rock-solid sales psychology.

Many prospects do need to hear from you regularly before they feel comfortable hiring you. That is especially true of long-term prospects (those who may be listing and/or buying some time in the future), residents of your real estate geographic farm, and past clients who can be excellent sources of real estate referrals.

But if you’re staying in touch only by making calls and showing up unexpectedly on their doorsteps, you’re making a big mistake. That kind of “interruption-style” real estate marketing gets tiring very fast — for you and your prospects!

A more effective approach is to be where your prospects are looking and interacting. And when they find you at that place, be sure you’re adding value.

What we mean is this:

  • Be in their mailbox each month. By sending a value-packed real estate newsletter each month, you’re “being there” when they go through their mail. Assuming your real estate newsletter features your personal message and branding, along with helpful tips and news, prospects and clients get to know you better and appreciate the value you bring.
  • Be in their email inbox. Most people check their email several times a day. So, real estate email marketing should definitely be part of your real estate marketing mix. Just be sure you’re adding value in your emails, not just pitching. Share tips, advice, client stories, Just Sold, Just Listed, etc.
  • Be there when they’re interacting on social media. Depending on the demographic you target, upwards of a third of your prospects and clients are active on social media. So “be there” when they are! Share motivational quotes, new listings, client success stories, and highlights from your blog.
  • Be there when they check out your blog. The number one reason a prospect will click to your blog is to see what kind of agent you are. Are you the kind of agent who shares their wisdom and experience; providing helpful tips, suggestions, and ideas? Make sure your blog features at least two new articles a month.
  • Be there to greet them at client appreciation events or community events you put together. If you want to generate more real estate leads from real estate geo farming, put together a community event of some kind each year. That’s a great way to make personal connections in the community, and the ideal complement to your monthly geographic farming newsletter. Client appreciation events are also a smart way to maximize real estate referrals and generate a fresh crop of real estate leads.

When prospects and clients see you regularly in places that look and interact — mail, email, social media, events, etc. — they’re more likely to see you as the go-to agent. And the good news is, managing all these prospect touch points doesn’t need to be difficult or time-consuming. Our automated and done-for-you real estate marketing system will make it easy.