
5 Door-Knocking Scripts that Turn Strangers into Real Estate Prospects

15 June 2022

By Darcia

Imagine you’re parked in your real estate geographic farm. You’re early for a client appointment. Really early. You have 45 minutes to kill! How do you make the most of that time?

You can do paperwork, make calls, work through your email inbox. Or… you can take the opportunity to knock on a few doors.

Door knocking is one of the oldest real estate marketing techniques. Yet, it can still get results if you approach it in the right way. What you want to do is knock on each door with the idea of adding value – not merely pitching your services.

How do you do that? Here are a few door-knocking techniques for your real estate geo farm that will help, along with real estate scripts.

  1. Just Listed “Good morning! I’m Danish, the real estate agent who specializes in this neighbourhood. I just wanted to tell you about the new listing around the corner. If you have any questions about it — or the local real estate scene in general — please feel free to call me. Do you have any questions now that I can help you with?”
  2. Geographic farming newsletter “Hello, I’m Ena. I’m the agent who specializes in this area. You might have noticed the real estate newsletter I mail you each month with all the helpful tips and articles. Here’s the latest edition. Are you finding the newsletter helpful?”
  3. Recent Sold “Good evening. I’m Zeeshan, the agent who specializes in this neighbourhood. In fact, I just sold number 49 down the street. I just wanted to say that if you’re thinking of selling within the next year, I’m happy to answer any questions you might have. I can also give you a good idea of what your home would sell for on today’s market.”
  4. The neighbourly thing “Hello. I’m Amber, the agent who specializes in this community. In fact, I’m often in the area working with clients, so you’ve probably seen me around. I just wanted to stop by and do the ‘neighbourly thing’ and introduce myself.”
  5. Real estate newsletter offer “Hi, I’m Ripjit, a real estate specialist for the neighbourhood. I send many of my clients and friends here this informative real estate newsletter each month. As you can see, it’s packed with helpful tips and articles. May I mail you a copy each month?

As you can see, there are better approaches to door knocking than the tiring — and ineffective — “Are you thinking of selling?” Focus on adding value when you chat with real estate geographic farm residents, and you’ll turn more into quality contacts.

A great geo farming newsletter will help. Contact us to get started.