
Real Estate Agents: Sponsor A “Home Expert” Seminar

27 October 2014

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

real-estate-conferences-2013Real Estate Agents, imagine a room filled with your best clients and prospects. They listen intently to a presentation by a home expert who provides valuable tips that will help them improve their homes. Everyone is glad they attended.

Who will they thank for organizing such a useful event? YOU.

Sponsoring a “Home Expert” seminar is a powerful way to build loyalty; this, in turn, leads to more repeat business and referrals.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Invite a home expert to do a seminar for your clients and prospects. This can be an interior designer, kitchen remodeler, mortgage broker or lender, landscape contractor, or any other professional you know and respect.
  2. Make the necessary arrangements for room rental, catering, etc.
  3. Send out invitations to your clients and prospects.

Why would a home expert agree to this?

Sponsoring this type of seminar is a win-win-win situation for everyone involved.  For example, let’s say you invite an interior designer to talk to your clients about creating or renovating a home office. The interior designer wins because she gets a chance to talk to a group of potential customers.

Your clients win because they receive great information and get to ask the expert questions. And you win because you made it all happen – and everyone knows it.

Important Tips for Success:

  1. Choose your guest expert carefully. You must have confidence that he or she will do a great job and deliver an engaging fact-filled presentation. 
  2. Organize the event carefully. Do not just throw it together. Plan well and make sure everything goes off without a hitch.

Takeaway Point: Sponsoring a Home Expert seminar takes some work, but it’s worth it. You will build the loyalty of your current clients and prospects – even among those who receive your invitation but choose not to attend.

For the specific list of ingredients of how to throw a successful Home Expert seminar, lookout for our next blog post.