
Real Estate Agents: IMPROVE YOUR Professional Presentation

08 December 2014

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Are you readyYou are driving to a listing presentation and you stop at a light. On the light pole at the intersection you notice that someone has put up a poster, stuck there haphazardly with masking tape. The poster is torn in spots and faded by the weather. There is even a spelling mistake. Scribbled in big block letters the poster reads: “John Smith, Investment Advisor. Call today.”

Now, would you consider trusting your retirement savings to this person?

Of course you would not!

John Smith may, in fact, be an excellent and highly qualified investment advisor. But, unfortunately, his marketing materials are telling a completely different story.

What story are your marketing and presentation materials telling?

Are they positioning you as a helpful, knowledgeable professional? Or are they communicating a different message?

Many real estate agents are inconsistent with elements of their “professional package”. One agent, may have great looking business cards and a knockout website, but have a voicemail message that is dull and unwelcoming. Another agent may have terrific presentation skills, but have a listing kit that is disorganized and amateurishly designed. Other agents utilize marketing companies that offer direct mail and email that is professionally designed and written, while others do not employ such companies and marketing tools at all.

Your professional package includes all the ways that you communicate with prospects, clients, and colleagues:

  • Business cards and stationery
  • E-mail signatures
  • Websites
  • Direct Mail
  • Social Media
  • Blog
  • Email Newsletters
  • Listing presentations
  • Voicemail messages
  • Car
  • Clothing
  • Personal grooming
  • Advertising and Marketing materials

Take a closer look at all the elements of your professional package. Make sure they are all telling the same story.

Takeaway Point: Do one thing this week to improve your professional package. Morris Real Estate Marketing Group can help you with your marketing material, including direct mail, email, blog, and social media. To find out more, click here.