
Keep your database up-to-date.

20 April 2015

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Keep your database up-to-dateAre things exactly the same in your life as they were, say, three years ago? Probably not. So don’t assume that the life of your past clients and referral sources is exactly the same as it was 36 months ago either.

People change. They get married, have kids, kids grow up; family members get promoted or get new jobs; marriages start or, unfortunately, end — it’s the way of life.

So your database needs to be kept up-to-date.

Otherwise, you will not be able to stay in touch with your past clients and referral sources as effectively as you should and you will not attract all the referrals and repeat business that you could.

In fact, the more current and accurate a client profile is kept in your database, the greater your chances of building loyalty… Loyalty that leads to a lot more Referral and Repeat business coming your way in future years.

Say, for example, you learn that a past client is going to retire next year. If you note that information in your database, you will be able to send a congratulatory card at just the right time. That may seem like a small gesture, but it’s often the little things that are remembered and appreciated by clients.

How does a busy REALTOR® keep a contact database up-to-date?

Simply by paying attention. When you learn something new about a client, take a moment to record that information in your database right away. It’s also a good habit to review your database daily, or weekly, and make necessary changes and updates as they arise.

It does not take much time to keep your database up-to-date. The few minutes you spend on that task each week will be rewarded in more repeat business and referrals down the road.

Takeaway point: Take a few minutes everyday to keep your database up-to-date.