
How to Connect with Your Geographic Farm on a Regular Basis

14 August 2018

By Darcia

Top real estate agents don’t tend to sit at their desk waiting for the phone to ring. Instead, you’ll likely find them seeking out new and interesting ways to interact with the members of their community. This habit not only provides excellent networking opportunities, it serves as motivation to do more business. That’s why, last month on the Morris Real Estate Marketing Group blog, we offered  5 Summer Ideas for Networking with Your Geographic Farm. The article covered how to host or get involved in summer events. Today, we’re giving you ideas for relationship and reputation building activities within your chosen community.

real estate agent connects with geographic farm

5 Ways to Connect with Your Geographic Farm on a Regular Basis

1. Start a neighbourhood Blog or Vlog

Interview local business owners and residents with interesting stories or careers. Publish interesting photos from around your neighbourhood. And make sure to encourage guest posts from entrepreneurs, event organizers, local schools, etc.

2. Volunteer in your community

If you do a bit of online research, you’re likely to find many opportunities to volunteer – perhaps at a local school or community centre, as a little league coach, or even an animal shelter.

3. Join or start a book club

Book clubs are a great way to build relationships with local residents, while also giving you motivation to carve out some reading time!

4. Take a class

Learn a new skill while building your top-of-mind status with homeowners in your geographic farm. Perhaps you’ve always wanted to learn French or build an ottoman or paint a still life? Here’s an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone – build relationships and discover a new talent!

5. Host an ongoing workshop

As a Realtor you have a unique skill set and possess knowledge that homeowners who are thinking about buying or selling need to know. In addition, you likely have a network of professionals who can also share their knowledge. Why not host a regular workshop with alternating guest speakers?

These are just 5 ways that you can get involved in your geographic farm on an ongoing basis. The more people see and get to know you, the faster the word will spread about what a valuable resource you are for the community. You can, however, speed up that word of mouth process with a full Real Estate Marketing Success System in place – one that includes direct mail newsletters, email updates, social media and more.