
Direct Mail Newsletter Content Topics for Past Clients

29 October 2015

By Morris Real Estate Marketing Group

Newsletter Content Topics for Past ClientsWe are very happy to announce that this week’s blog post was originally published by INMAN, see original post by clicking here.

Realtors you may be wondering, why send direct mail to past clients? They’ve already done business with me, I’m sure they’ll do business with me again. Right?

Not necessarily. Sending direct mail newsletters to past clients is a great way to ensure you stay top of mind. If a person gets a piece of direct mail with your name on it, they’ll be instantly reminded of the exceptional service you provided them and will be more likely to think of you when they need that service again.

Also, a direct mail recipient list of about 100 to 125 names is small enough that it’s affordable. It won’t break the budget to send direct mail to this size of an audience, and there is a certain prestige associated with direct mail. For example, getting a wedding invitation sent by direct mail is more prestigious than getting an email invitation. Newsletters are similar in that respect.

By using The Referral Marketing System when sending direct mail to past clients, we already keep in mind the best topics and write according to what your clients want to read within the direct mail newsletter. Those topics should differ when sending to past clients compared to prospective clients, because past clients have already bought a home and aren’t looking to buy or sell right now. Messaging about buying or selling a home won’t be helpful to them, but the topics below will and we can easily and quickly do all the work for you.

Here are the best Direct Mail Newsletter Content Topics for Past Clients:

Home safety

Home safety is most likely on the minds of many new homeowners – after all, they’ve just invested a great deal of money into their new home. Providing helpful tips so past clients can ensure their homes are safe will add value to your direct mail newsletters.

Value of real estate as a long-term investment

Purchasing real estate is a big deal. Reassure your past clients that they’ve made a good investment with information about the value of real estate in your direct mail newsletters.

Popular home upgrades and renovations

After purchasing a home, a homebuyer may want to add their own touch to it with home upgrades and renovations. You can be their guiding voice by providing inspirational ideas and tips.

How to find and hire a reputable home contractor

If a homeowner does decide to renovate or upgrade their home, they may be on the lookout for an experienced home contractor. You can help them find one who is reputable and reliable.

Latest real estate trends

You are your past clients’ real estate expert, and you have the inside scoop on the latest real estate trends. Why not share it with them? You’ll be seen as a knowledgeable professional in this space.

Tips for cutting heating and cooling costs

Also on the minds of many homeowners are ways to save money, especially now that they may have a house payment to worry about. You can provide valuable information to past clients about reducing their heating and cooling costs to save them money. If you’re still saving them money even after helping them purchase real estate, you can feel confident that you’re exceeding their expectations.

Takeaway Point: Real estate agents, your past clients play a huge role in your referral and repeat marketing strategies. Are you giving them valuable information in a direct mail newsletter? You should be. Use the above topics for inspiration, or turn to the experts at Morris Real Estate Marketing Group. We offer direct mail marketing as a part of The Referral Marketing System.